Kimberly Gomes
Soul on the Rise
Ep 13 - Writing into Loss with Mackenzie Studebaker

Ep 13 - Writing into Loss with Mackenzie Studebaker

A special artist interlude episode

Hello sweet family and friends,

I’m so excited to bring you this week’s episode simply because I know it will move you. My dear friend, Mackenzie Studebaker, writer and somatic therapist, is back! This time they’re sharing two incredible pieces from their poetic memoir. Mackenzie also shares how writing helped them navigate the turbulent times of losing their brother and mother and the importance of narrative therapy. You can learn more about Mackenzie at 

I hope you enjoy this musing of an episode and if you like what you heard, share it with a friend! If you want to listen to more of the podcast, check it out on Spotify:

Thanks for being here.

Much love to you,

Kimberly Gomes

Kimberly Gomes
Soul on the Rise
Conversations and inspirations to help growth-minded humans rise into their more full self.